"Bod_j_ect" (2020)
This work is an on going experiment dedicated on how to enter in dialogue with the material of a dunnage bag and with 'them' create different affective dynamics.
For this project, it has been extremely important for me not to force this encounter into a given product, but instead learning to follow the process of the experiment as it was developing.
Video and sound installation with Live Performance
Location: Make Hammilton Square Studios
Actors in the film: Human Body - Dunnage Bag
Film Credits: Silvia Battista, Gary Finnegan
Photograph from Live performance: Bod_j_ect 2020
Actors:180cm x90cm white dunnage bag, 190 cm human body.
Actors:180cm x90cm white dunnage bag, 190 cm human body.
Still image from - Act5: Duet
Actors:180cm x90cm white dunnage bag, 190 cm human body.
Photograph from Live performance: Bod_j_ect
Actors:180cm x90cm white dunnage bag, 190 cm human body.
AIR - Transition (2020)
Above: Extract from Bod_j_ect
Double screen video installation
Media: white woven polypropylene dunnage bags, 1 meter white plastic tube
Photograph: From Last Act Fallen down 2020
Size:180cm x 90cm Dunnage Bag
Media: white woven polypropylene dunnage bags, 1 meter white plastic tube
Size:180cm x 90cm Dunnage Bag
Media: white woven polypropylene dunnage bags, 1 meter white plastic tube